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Good Governance & Anti Corruption Education -(GGACE) 2007-9

What was it....


The GGACE project was funded by the United Nations Democracy Education Fund.  It was just a pilot to produce materials to be trialed in Papua New Guinea schools. A resourcebook of over 250 interactive tasks, a simpler reader for students and a set of posters were the main outputs.  These were sent out to 150 schools around the country.


A report summarizing what was learnt from this project found that the materials filled a serious gap in materials for schools, were esay to use and liked by students because of the critical thinking opportnities they encouraged. 


The report can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.

If you want to download copies of the GGACE materials click on the links below. Note that the first three are word files so you can edit them. However they may not have some of the graphical features inthe printed texts..

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